Thursday, September 22, 2005

me and red water

me and red water, originally uploaded by JeanineJeanine.

this has been taken on the weekend, when we went to this teatree lake. The water looked red! (like tea, even though tea has nothing to do with teatrees, as we all know... the British just called that tree teatree because they STARTED to make tea out of it, but found out that that tea doesn't taste nice, but then it was already called teatree......... you know?)


me, originally uploaded by JeanineJeanine.

I took all these pictures just a few hours ago, in our anotomy class, in which we put imaginary muscles on that poor Indian skeleton there.... It was our last class with Bruce, our anotomy teacher. And I say hallelujah. Now I know what esophagus means in German and Speiseroehre in English., it hasn't been all that bad, but sometimes reallly bad.

touching class....

touching class...., originally uploaded by JeanineJeanine.

beautiful Jun - It's all about love!

That's Jun during our anatomy class today. Not interested in muscles and bones. Just beautiful and full of love!

my friend the sceleton?

my friend the sceletton?, originally uploaded by JeanineJeanine.


exercising!, originally uploaded by JeanineJeanine.

... or something like that...


... they feel like their existential part is taking the piss out of their spiritual part
... they read my blog
... they started to call and txt me again
... they tell me that I'm awesome every time I need to hear it
... they give me massages so I can go on with my yoga practice
... they are beautiful
... they are hippies
... they are stoners
... they don't speak German
... they are cute and have stars tatooed on their feet
... they have an American accent...

Friday, September 16, 2005



Wednesday, September 14, 2005

Byron Bay

Wow, I am really enjoying that course now. I love sitting on a freezing cold floor every day for 8 hours, 20 meters away from the beach, whilst the sun is shining and strong, and warm and I'm freezing my a.. off in the room I'm locked in every day! Seriously, we are learning so much interesting things, and practice teach isn't the horror show for me anymore which it was last week. FirstI thought I lost my ability to speak English, but when I tried to teach in German I was certain that my ability to speak at all is gone. It's harder than I thought it was to tell people what they have to do with their body parts.... :-)
I really enjoy having a home, a room, my own bathroom and shower and even a walk in closet! Living with Pavitar is great. She's superbusy, I am superbusy, and in between we have our little pleasant conversations. And her son Jordie, who is 12, is such a nice kid!
My car's doing fine, very thirsty, needing gallons of gas.... the hand break snapped out last night, and I could finally use my NRMA / ADAC / AAA membership. "Ray" was there as fast as the ray of light and fixed the problem. Well, he jammed the cable, and I have to get a new one now, but never mind... I could drive.... and there are not so many hills here in Byron Bay.

Monday, September 12, 2005

Whitehaven Beach

Whitehaven Beach, originally uploaded by JeanineJeanine.

and before I say good-bye here's a photo to make you jealouse... no? Well, don't be, I'm not there anymore....


tree, originally uploaded by JeanineJeanine.

this tree looked so lovely, I must have taken about 20 photos of it. this is one of them.

Alkohol Test 0.00!!!

Alkohol Test 0.00!!!, originally uploaded by JeanineJeanine.

This was after I just got home from a Bollywood theme Party of my new landlady. I got stopped by the police because I turned into a main street in a weird way. I had to blow into that little plastic pipe, still wearing my third eye on my third eye, but I think that’s quite something policeman here in this area see a lot of times. Good thing I started my detoxication the day Doris left and didn’t drink any wine at all so I ended up with 0.00 pro mille. What a satisfying number. The best thing is that I am still waiting for my registration sticker, I have paid my registration until February, but I haven’t received that flipping sticker yet, so I am just waiting to be stopped by the police and get in trouble for that. But this one just wanted to check on my alcohol level, and gave me the plastic pipe as some kind of stupid souvenir. Good.

Byron Bay - my new home....

little shop of horror

little shop of horror, originally uploaded by JeanineJeanine.

that's a meat eating plant!!! I saw it eating a moskito!

elk's horn

elk's horn, originally uploaded by JeanineJeanine.

cruising the outback

cruising the outback, originally uploaded by JeanineJeanine.

cows? cows!

cows? cows!, originally uploaded by JeanineJeanine.



beware, originally uploaded by JeanineJeanine.

see what happens!

Cooktown Hotel

Cooktown Hotel, originally uploaded by JeanineJeanine.

a hotel is a pub. So this is a pub. Maybe it's a hotel, too, who knows.... all I know that this pub in Cooktown really is a pub in the outback. The people in there are...... different.


termites, originally uploaded by JeanineJeanine.

a field of nothing and termites.

Doris, the cave explorer in sunglasses

Caves near Chillago - Chilliego?


Sugarcain, originally uploaded by JeanineJeanine.

sugar cain in the sun on a field somewhere near Cairns


Waterfall, originally uploaded by JeanineJeanine.

an I

spider for Isa

spider for Isa, originally uploaded by JeanineJeanine.

yes, Isabel, there are spiders in Australia. Like him?

coffee machine

coffee machine, originally uploaded by JeanineJeanine.

... when the Germans came to Australia to grow coffee and become rich. That was in..... hmmmm. Queensland! somewhere. Tablelands. That's the area which looks like Ireland!

Tuesday, September 06, 2005

Byron Bay

Wow, I've been busy since I got here, and especially since last Friday when my course started. But I will put the rest of the 5 Million Photos I've already uploaded on my blog hopefully the weekend.
Apart from that, the Yoga TTC is great, busy, lots of fun and information. And I'm fine. Okay, photos at the weekend!