Sunday, January 22, 2006


Whitsundays, originally uploaded by JeanineJeanine.

5 more days!

This will be my last trip cruising the Whitsunday's. Probably ever. Who knows. I haven't taken a lot of photos recently, but this beach on top we went to on our last trip. So beautiful. I look forward to the next 5 days. It's so good to see an end, and this whole month hasn't been too bad after all... now I can enjoy the rest of my oh so long life as a employee of some sort :-)
I talked to everybody on the phone this weekend. So cool. I'm catching up with friends at home in Germany and friends I'm going to visit in England and Spain ......... my sister is really excited to see me soon, I love it. She has a cat called Sushi. (that's not true).
I've got to go to bed. Why am I always waking up after 10pm, no matter how tired I was before?
Tomorrow at 7 we leave for Hamilton Isand. I will have a lot of "this is the last time I'm doing this and that's" in the next few days. I'm so nostalgic. And then I forget. :-)

Sailing boats Airlie Beach

Sailing boats Airlie Beach, originally uploaded by JeanineJeanine.

Wednesday, January 18, 2006


pineapple, originally uploaded by JeanineJeanine.

Monday, January 16, 2006

Pineapple juice and exhaustion

How many days? How many hours? I’m a machine. I work. And sleep. And work. And sleep. It’s not all that bad, I’m just tired and I told the chef today if he ever uses my pineapple juice again, I’ll kill him. Hmmm. Worse, I shouted it at him. He then told the new deckie that he could drink as much chocolate milk as he wanted. BUT I NEED MY CHOCOLATE MILK, TOO, TO FEED CHOCOLATE MILDSHAKES TO 6 KIDS!
Do you have any problems in life at the moment? I obviously don’t have serious ones, otherwise I wouldn’t write about pineapple juice and chocolate milk, would I???
But the charters are good, the owners are cool (they pay my massages in between charters ), and it’s already (no! only! I can't be that positive all the time....) half time. 2 more weeks to go. Then another week on the boat, then 6 days in Sydney, then to Berlin on the 10th! I’m so excited.

Sunday, January 01, 2006

Happy New Year 2006!

Bird of Paradise flowers on the beach