Saturday, May 07, 2005

After a month...

... a little bit more money in my pockets, but still recovering from 4 weeks of work, work, work. Basically I got up at 7.15 in the morning, then worked all day and went to bed at about 22. 30. Every day. At least I got enough sleep, nevertheless, after three weeks I walked around like a Zombie. And felt like one, too.
But that's all over now, and since 2 days I am in Cairns, I met up with Stef again, sleeping in the car again, and am very happy to ABSOLUTELY DO NOTHING!!!
I spent all day today reading, writing, drinking coffee, and maybe I will go to the movies later.
Work on the yacht is fun. I got on with the captain well (he gave me a payrise after 4 days, because he's been really impressed by my work!), also with the new deckhand, who started working 2 days after I got on the boat. The chef though was a pain in the you know where, I ended up calling him the schizophrenic chef, 'cause he thought or at least wanted to make everybody believe that he's the first officer, who also does a little bit of enineering work and is responsible for the boat when the captain is away. Thank god you can't fool me (haaa!) and I saw straight through him and anyway, after we finished our charters he left the boat 2 days earlier as he was supposed to (he was to quit anyway) because he's been caught buying herbal man's tablets (aka Aphrodisiac) with the boat money.
We had a good laugh and opened a bottle of champagne.
The owner of the boat is cool aswell. Nice guy. He threw me off the tender by speeding it up to good knows how may k's per hour and then alter coursing. Off, I flew in the sea and got out with a concussion and two legs covered in bruises. It was worth the fun. Next thing I know I'm playing beach volleyball with the guests on Whiteheaven Beach, ending up having a heat stroke at night. I had a lot of fun, but being a full time employee for this guy would probably cost me a few months of my life, at least .... (I'm not talking about being totally humiliated during two nights of karaoke I had to attent... :-)
I am in Cairns now for two weeks, then go back to Airlie Beach, back to Aurora. Our next charter is the end of June, and I can stay and make some money working normal hours until then. After the charter I will leave the boat, 3 months of work will be then already over.
Hope to hear from you all soon!
Photos will follow once I'm back in Airlie. Haven't got them with me.


Blogger mati rose said...

jeanine!! you're back! so good to hear from you:) what a crazy adventureous life you're leading, as usual. you would not believe how busy "tripdycht" (formerly le patis) is these past couple nights. i just got home and made $200! crazy! i hope you come back and work with me, or at least sip lattes at the bar. i miss you and wish you a lovely day/night.

May 8, 2005 at 1:01 AM


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