Monday, March 14, 2005


.... here are some pictures. It's always so hard to find a place where I can use my own computer to download photos. But there we go.
I am in Sydney again! After exactly 4 weeks. I haven't used the internet forever, and I just notice that I have difficulties typing...
After we arrived in Melbourne Tuesday two weeks ago, we got stuck there....checking out Cafes and bars all day.... Jaleen and Andrew let us live in their room, which was so nice of them, so YEAH! we had a place to stay and didn't have to sleep in the car for days because of this crazy motor sport ado. After the two of them left, we moved into another "real" hotel, Kashy, a friend of Stef's from Perth was staying in Melbourne for two weeks selling phones, so thanks to telstar we again had a cool place to stay.
I applied for two jobs, but didn't really want to get them, because Melbourne turned out to be really wonderful, but just too cold at the moment.
I decided to meet Stef's friends Brony and Em and travel together up the east coast to Byron Bay.
We picked up Brony in Warnabool and went back to Melbourne the next day on the great ocean road. Beautiful. Stayed with Kashy again. (Had spinach for dinner. And still an hour in the morning. - only for insiders...)
We stayed another fun night at Em's and Brony's brother Paul's place, where Em and her boyfriend live at the moment. Had a late start the next day, because partying is just more important than getting up early to travel, and arrived in Sydney at 5am where we were welcome by Stef's friend Lisa, a German girl who lives with her Australian boyfriend in Sydney.
We stayed there for two nights and tonight we are going to go to Coff's Harbour, where Brony's and Em's mother live. Okay, this wasn't very exciting information, but never mind.
Thanks to Steff and her friends I am saving a lot of money for accomodation... I haven't payed any rent in over two weeks...:-)


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