Monday, October 03, 2005

September's gone...

Well, there goes September. There goes the yoga teacher training. Definitely one of the most intense months in my life. I’m still exhausted.
We had our oral exam on Thursday, and it was fun. Then we had our practical exam on Friday, and that was even better!!! It was amazing to watch people doing their 15 minutes of teaching each, everybody became so confident and creative all of the sudden, and it was a pleasure to watch.
In the evening we had our graduation ceremony and it was very touching. Then we went out and stayed out forever dancing and got home at 3am. I had to drive Lauren to the airport at 4, but she fell asleep and we all fell asleep and she missed her flight. I drove her to the airport in the evening instead, and on the way back my car was overheating. I called the road service and they took it away from me L because it wasn’t repairable at 1am, so Hali and I were stuck in Tweed Head, some 60km away from Byron Bay. A lovely woman drove us home because she didn’t want us to hitchhike. And hell, I didn’t want to hitchhike, because that’s just not something I do on a Saturday night at 1am. Or at all.
Hali and I had the best night once we got home. Everything went wrong from Friday night on, and we both laughed so much that we got mocked by the neighbor today – we apologized for the noise but he said laughter is laughter and no noise. He said he stated laughing in bed last night when he heart us.
So now my car is in Tweed Heads, I hope it is not going to be a big deal to fix it, I’m still living with Hali in Lauren’s room (I moved here after another nerve taking incident on Wednesday night…) and basically I’m just trying to get a hold of a non yoga teacher training life again, where things are happening, cars break down, people’s aggressions are thrown towards you and you don’t have any money to spend. Tomorrow is a bank holiday, how useless is that when you don’t work and want to work, and hopefully I can start to pick peaches on Tuesday. Then I have to pick up my car in Tweed Heads at some point.
Yeah. But all’s good.


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